Rone™ – Removal Of Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions- instantly

Cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and strokes are pervasive concerns among individuals aged 50 and above. While some cases may have genetic origins, the majority stem from stress-related factors. Stress, often overlooked as solely a mental condition, can induce physical pain, particularly in joints.

The root cause of these health issues largely traces back to stress. Stress, both as a psychological state and a physiological response, plays a pivotal role in their development. Modern society, notably since the aftermath of World War II, has witnessed a dramatic increase in stress levels, further exacerbating these health risks.

As stress continues to permeate our lives, mental health challenges have spiraled out of control, with limited resources available for support. Failing to address or alleviate stress not only perpetuates mental anguish but also significantly heightens the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and strokes.

24 years ago, Life Enhancers developed a remarkable new talk therapy called Rone™ which stands for Removal of Negative Emotions.  Rone™ Therapy changes the way your thoughts progress at your command. In other words, Rone™ gives you the ability to take control of your life. It was then and still is, the most advanced talk therapy in the world.

In one session of a few hours, Rone™Therapy will remove all your negative feelings/thoughts and emotions whilst teaching you how to do it yourself. This is necessary because negativity can impact you every day. Removing these negatives will take no longer than a minute to remove each one. (That’s generally faster than it took for the negative thoughts to originate.) If you don’t feel that all your issues have been removed from you before you and your Life Enhancer part company there is no charge. We also offer a free one-year backup. You can visit or contact us as often as you need to in the following year.

We have been brainwashed by the medical system into thinking that removing negative emotions in one session cannot happen in such a short time. They are wrong. Life Enhancers have been doing it for the last 24 years.

Rone™ is so powerful, that it is capable of removing depression, anxiety, PTSD,  and/or arthritic pain and all negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions in one session.

As written earlier, depression and pain are symptoms of a cause, remove the cause and the symptoms go as well. We remove anger, fear, guilt, trauma, and every other negative emotion and related physical problems will go as well.

Life Enhancers know that cancer and the like, do not just happen. We know you can prevent it. and if you have it – remove it without surgery or drugs.

If you take your health for granted, it has a habit of leaving you. If your health has already started to decline because of the circumstances in life, check the list on the right for one that relates to you. If you cannot find your problem, please contact us and we will tell you how we can help you.  We cannot list every problem that we remove.

Although many aspects are fresh and new, the principles of RONE™  have been around for over 4000 years. It is not religious or spiritual, No needles, drugs, hypnosis, or belief systems are used or needed to fulfill its requirements.  RONE™ is the gentlest, simplest, and consistently most effective talking therapy available today.

RONE™ is one of the very few therapies which follow the criteria required in science.

  1. The basis of RONE™  has been around for well over 4,000 years
  2. The effects can be seen and measured
  3. It is done in a very orderly manner
  4. The results are consistently similar and reliable when using the same procedures under controlled conditions.

Remember – During the single session, you will be taught how to remove any future emotions so you will be able to remove all of your future negative issues, each will take around 30 seconds. If an emotion has manifested itself in the form of pain, that too will be removed. Internal and visible inflammation reduces daily. It can also relax you to a state of total relaxation, again in just 30 seconds.

Depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, phobias, pains, and eating disorders to name some of the problems we have dealt with. Self-doubt, low self-esteem, fear, guilt or grief need no longer hold you back. You will have self-esteem and confidence like never before and because you are able to treat yourself, you can go on to do whatever you choose to do in life.

If you don’t feel that all your issues have been removed from you before you and your Life Enhancer part company, there will be no charge. No other therapy will offer you this guarantee and don’t forget, we also offer a free one-year backup. You will not be alone. No other therapy offers this service.

“Health is not everything, but without health, everything is nothing” – Socrates

If you came here looking for the Resonator, an electronic device that kills bad bacteria and parasites, as well as destroying viruses, you can find our sister site by clicking here

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I am pleased to tell you, that I have just written and published a book on Amazon. It is on Kindle and will be available as a paperback after the 7th September 2023. It is called How I Lost 2 Stone in 3 Weeks”  I know it works, so I wrote the book for you.



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