Ageing & Memory

Throughout time there have been countless thoughts and deeds as to how to live longer. A recent BBC Horizon program – “Immortal? A Horizon Guide to Ageing” – available on BBC I player looks at many of the ways adopted over decades.

The last articles of the program came to the conclusion that the state of mind was the one way to increase your lifespan by five to ten years. Their example was a town in California where its elderly population regularly went to church and it was these churchgoers that had the longest lives and still going.

The programme came to the conclusion it was nothing to do with worship but the state of mind these people were in. They had very if any stressors in life, they had rid themselves of stress etc. by going to their church.

When my clients visit me, I empower them with the Rone System (in just one session) which enables them to remove any stressors they may have within thirty seconds or so.  I still go jiving, and feel no older than I did when I was forty.

I remove any stress, worries, anger etc. every day.  I also follow the same dietary system I give to all my clients which was another thing that the programme noticed that helped older people to feel younger.

I say to people “You are always as old as you feel”. I feel forty so that’s how old I am.

Many studies have shown that humans and animals with elevated stress exhibit poorer memory and a higher rate of age related memory decline as well as a faster rate of brain atrophy.

Scientists found that psychological stress overstimulates the NMDA receptors. and removing the stress by all means available generally means changing your lifestyle which is now sometimes called Lifestyle Medicine.

Actively removing stress by using the Rone System is the ultimate Lifestyle Medicine.

So now the experts have reached the same conclusion I reached twelve years ago, removing all negative emotions (I and my clients use the Rone System to do this) helps you live longer, look and feel younger and remember more.

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