
The opioid problem will continue even though there are many other drugs out there that relieve pain equally as well. The problem is the pains are usually caused by physically manifested negative emotions. (bad thoughts and feelings)

The opioids are much the same as heroin etc. and so these drugs cover up the negative emotions. As the negative emotions are hidden by the opioid, the body no longer feels the pain, but when the course of opioids is over the negative emotions are uncovered, pain returns

A new course of opioids then removes the negatives and again the pain goes, this would then be called – addiction- because people just want to rid themselves of the terrible negative emotions they have – but they can’t without their drugs.

The answer to this enormous problem is to remove the negative emotions without drugs and the pain will go as well. Using RONE™THERAPY we have proved that removing the negative emotions, which takes one session of a few hours also removes the pain.

Opioids remove physical pain by subduing negative thoughts and feelings (as does opium) which has manifested as pain. (mind-body link) Remove the emotional side with Rone™Therapy and the addiction goes.

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